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Dual Trigger Massager

Dual Trigger Massager

Regular price $24.99
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Are you stuck at your desk with tight and painful neck muscles

Eliminate neck soreness with a relaxing massage from the comfort of home with the brand-new Dual Pressure Point Massager. Discover also the Neck Cloud and Neck Pain Device.

Relief is just 5 minutes away!

Neck saving benefits:

  • Relief of chronic neck pain & tension headaches
  • Release tight muscles in the neck
  • Your own massage therapist from home
  • Improve your quality of sleep


If you’re someone who:

  • Sits hunched at a desk all day
  • Suffers from tension headaches and migraines

Then our device has been created for you. Our customers have seen best results using it straight after work, when their neck soreness is at its worst.

Is Your Sore Neck Getting In The Way Of Life

If you re reading this, chances are you are stuck at a desk 8-10 hours a day. The muscles running through your neck are tight and this is causing neck pain, stress and even tension headaches.

Now you could go see your local massage therapist, but honestly who has the time or the money for that You re too busy working on projects all day, you have meetings to attend, the kids need to be picked up the list goes on.

We created something that allows you to get that same amazing feeling you would have from a trip to the massage therapist, in the comfort of your home and for a fraction of the cost.

Imagine being able to press, squeeze and knead trigger points whenever you feel like And in turn get that hurts so good feeling and eliminate chronic neck pain, and tension headaches. Well now you can with the Dual Pressure Point Massager.

Is It Hard To Use

The Dual Pressure Point Massager couldn t be simpler to use.

Step 1 – Hook the device around the back of your neck

Step 2 –Apply pressure to your neck while holding the handles

Step 3 –Roll your hands clockwise to begin massaging your neck

Step 4 – Enjoy that instant pain relief. Be careful, it’s addictive!

With just 4 steps and 5 minutes a day, you can get the relief you so desperately crave. What could be easier

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